Saturday, October 25, 2014

That's a wrap!

Well, I'm considering my yard and pool project finally complete.  Over the past few weeks final odds and ends were completed.  I'm finally happy with the handle placement and I ended up finishing the landscaping myself so that it would not drag on into next spring.  The pool and has been winterized and is closed up and the only problem is that the sensors in the cover are not working correctly to stop the cover when it gets to the beginning and end of the track, but those will be replaced next week.  I finished up my final project with the fence today.  I ordered some privacy panels that fit around the pickets in one section of my fence to hide the pool equipment.  They are pretty cool and I'm really pleased with how they turned out.  Before and after pics are below.  In true Andy fashion this entire pool project ended up taking twice as long and costing twice as much but the end result is nothing short of amazing and I couldn't be happier.  After over 2 1/2 months of construction and at least that long in planning... I'm done.  The house and yard are both finished.  Finally.  It's hard to believe that a little over two years have passed since they broke ground on the house.  Thanks to everyone for following the journey and providing ideas and input along the way.  Lets go swimming next spring!











Sunday, October 5, 2014

Great to be home!

Even though I spent the majority of last week in a conference room, I did manage to have a beer and pretzel in Germany and more wine, cheese, breads/pastries, and desserts in France than any one person should, so it was a good trip, even as fast and busy as it was.  What made it even better is the fact that I came home to an almost completed project.  The irrigation guys are finished.  The landscaping is almost complete.  The sod is down. Grass seed is planted.  The fence is finished.  All that is left is some finishing touches with the pool handle and I'm waiting on about 10 more plants to come in.  Everything looks great.  I'm always amazed at how much better sod makes things look and how fast and drastic the change is.  I definitely have an awesome backyard now...

Back Sidewalk

Back Sidewalk

Grass seed planted along back sidewalk.

Back sidewalk

View from the back sidewalk