Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Landscaping and dirt work almost complete!

Things have been moving slowly because of the rain but they are moving.  Almost all of the planting and dirt work is complete.  There might be a little more grading to do but it looks like most everything has been planted.  Things are looking great.  Last weekend I raised my air conditioner and installed a window well extension with some wonderful help from Aunt Liz.  This will allow the area behind the fire pit bench to be built up to the level of the new concrete.  The fire pit ring was installed but was taken apart when I looked tonight so something must not be working quite right with that.  They are going to check the slope of the yard to make sure it will drain correctly.  After that all that's left is the electrical work on the pool cover, the irrigation, a few more sections of fence and some finishing touches, then grass and mulch.  I'm hoping everyone is done and gone by the end of next week but time will tell.

Gas ring in fire pit

Raised window well and air conditioner before dirt

New landscaping

New landscaping

New landscaping

New landscaping

New landscaping

New landscaping and grade around pool

New landscaping and grade around pool

New landscaping

New landscaping

New landscaping

Fixing drainage problem

New landscaping

Stone retaining wall

Landscaping around pool

Window well and raised air conditioner after dirt added.

Window well and raised air conditioner after dirt added.

New landscaping

Fire pit disassemlbed

Rock for fire pit

New landscaping

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