Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 48

It's day 48 for those of you keeping track and for the math whiz's this means I should have 40% of a house... and I think I do.  It doesn't look like they worked on it today but I did manage to take A LOT of pics before the sun went down.  Enjoy.....

Second story walls going up.

Second story walls and floor.

Second floor bedroom window.

Second floor bedroom window from the outside.

Bedroom windows from the back of the house.

Back of the house.

Garage door in the back of the house.

Back of the house.

View from the street behind the house.

View from the side yard.  Master bath sticking out over garage.

Master bath windows.

Trusses delivered.

More trusses.

Front view from the street.

Master bath supported by posts in garage.

Posts holding up the second story.

Master closet entrance.

Posts holding up second floor.

Posts holding up second floor.

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