Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Basement Progress

I drove out to my hole on Monday after work and saw that the water line has been hooked up and the drain and sewer pipes have been covered.  There was also gravel where the driveway will be.  Today they delivered forms for the basement walls, formed up the footers and dug out where the supporting walls will go.  There is also drainage tile all around the inside and outside of the perimeter which connects to a pan where the sump pump will go.  It's so exciting to see what happens every day.  I would bet that I have concrete sometime this week!  I'm meeting with the designer again on Friday to finalize some things as well as pick out bathroom fixtures, sinks, mirrors, etc.

 Gravel in the driveway
 Covered drain and sewer pipes
 Water line
 Water line connection
Footers, drainage, and sump pump 

 Footers, drainage, and sump pump
 Footers and supporting walls
Forms for garage 

Forms for basement walls

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