Thursday, February 28, 2013


Busy day yesterday but everything is really coming together great in the end... I actually think this is going to happen.  Every one of my concerns is getting addressed.  I had a home inspection which went really well.  He found a few things but nothing major.  Overall, he thought I had a really well-built and wonderful home and I agree.  Everyone is continuing to finish up their jobs and the cleaning crew is making everything look even better.  I had my final walk-through last night.  Closing is at 10am on Friday!  I'm off work until March 11 so that should give me plenty of time to get settled.  There shouldn't be much left to do after closing other than a little painting outside, pouring the driveway, mailbox, grass, and a few other fixes.  I've got to finish packing today, review the cost, schedule some deliveries, change addresses, hook up utilities, and make sure the down-payment ends up where it is supposed to be.  So excited!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Awesome Day

I had an interesting drive this morning in the snow.  I made my 1hr 25minute drive in a little over 2hrs but that was the final early morning drive so I did not even care.  My list of concerns and fixes are getting knocked out by quite a large crew and I couldn't be happier.  Most everything should be done by tomorrow and I have no more worries... other than having to move in this weather.  I can't believe how fast everything is coming together in the end and how willing everyone is to make sure I'm completely satisfied.  I met a few different people tonight to look at a few of the things I requested be fixed and discussed those details.  It looks like the air conditioner is in, outside ceiling fan is up, a few speakers in the media room and in the ceilings, and master bedroom light raised.  Some of the drywall repairs are in process.  The glass bar shelves are up and finished off the bar perfectly... I LOVE IT!  The kitchen backsplash is also tiled and it looks incredible as well.  Tomorrow I have a home inspection and they will continue to complete the finishing touches and cleaning and then I have my final walk-through tomorrow night.... can't wait!

Oh yeah... and tonight is my last night in this hotel!!!

Bar shelves

Media closet shelves.

Speaker in pool table room ceiling.

Speakers in wall for theater.

Speaker in bar ceiling.

Bedroom light raised.

Exposed drywall seam repair.

Master bathroom ceiling speaker.

Kitchen backsplash.

Outside fan/light.

Kitchen backsplash.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Packing progress

I've got everything loaded out of my parents garage in the back of a trailer, just waiting for Friday morning.  I got my radon test results back and they were off the charts high so they have to add a fan and change the passive mitigation system to active and re-test.  The good news is this doesn't cost me anything.  I've got a home inspection scheduled for Wed. morning and I'm supposed to do my final walk-through with the contractor Wed. night and discuss the cost and my list of things that need fixed.  I'm going to attempt to make it through the snow to Peoria Tuesday morning to work Tuesday and Wednesday, then back to Macomb Wednesday night.... busy week!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Less than a week away!

It's been a few days since my last post, so many changes and pictures since my last update.  They have started to clean which is nice to see.  The tile is up in the bar and the granite around the bar is finished... looks great!  The bar ledge around the pool table wall was also installed and is even better than I expected.  All of the bathroom fixtures (towel bars, rings, toilet paper holders, etc.) are in place.  There is tile above the desk in the kitchen, even though there was not supposed to be... not yet sure if I'm going to have them take it down.  The kitchen backsplash will get tiled on Monday.  The fixtures were installed in the garage bathroom but it was painted the wrong color, so that will have to be changed as well... my list of things they have to fix is getting quite long.  The exhaust fan in the 1/2 bath was switched out with a fan/light so it is much brighter now.  The basket drawers were installed in the master closet and the big mirror above the master sinks.  The master shower is nearly finished.  The glass is in and there are just a few more pieces of tile that were backordered to go up, then the grout.  That shower just might be the coolest thing in the entire house.  I talked to the guy laying the tile and he told me this is his work of art and just might be one of the neatest things he's ever done.  He said he's got about 60hrs of labor tiling that shower... kinda makes me wonder what that's costing me :-/  I met with my realtor on Friday to sign a bunch more papers.  The radon inspection is this weekend and I have a home inspection on Tuesday.  I will also have a walk-through with the contractor next week.  I'm working from Macomb on Monday, in Peoria on Tuesday and Wednesday, then packing on Thursday and starting to move on Friday!  Only 1 more night in the hotel.  I'm then off work the following week as well so should have plenty of time to get moved in.

Garage/Pool bathroom.

Garage/Pool bathroom.

New 1/2 bath light.

1/2 bath.

1/2 bath.

Basement stair light.

Bar wall ledge.

Bar wall ledge.

Painted theater doors.

Basement bathroom.

Basement bathroom.

Basement bathroom.

Upstairs bathroom.

Upstairs bathroom.

Upstairs bathroom.

Master bath hardware and mirror.

Shower glass.

Master bath mirror.

Master shower.

Master shower.

Master shower.

Master shower.

Master shower.

Master shower.

Master shower.

Master closet.

Tile above desk that is not supposed to be there.

Bar granite.

Bar granite (love the rough edge!)

Bar granite edge.

Bar tile.

Bar tile and granite.

Bar tile.

Bar tile and bar ledge.

Bar granite and tile.

Shower glass installed.

Master shower.

Master shower.

Master shower.

Master shower.

Master shower.

Master shower.